About Me

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A True Romantic With a Stone Cold Hit of Cynicism

I’ve always been drawn to the delicate threads of the more romantic moments in life, the softer moments that often go unnoticed, and are often experienced alone. Like a good cup of coffee on a balcony in Greece, or a glass of wine at a German vineyard overlooking the French border, even romanticising the murky memories of dingy Spanish clubs dancing until 6am.

My journey began as what most people would call a ‘quarter-life crisis’, turning down damn good graduate opportunities to work from my laptop as a freelance content writer, copywriter and jack of all online trades in some sense.

But, once I started, I couldn’t stop, and so my ‘get it out the system’ moment turned into a passionate pursuit to travel and to live on my terms. Five years have flown by, and with every sunset in a new city, my love for travel only deepens.

To you, my cherished reader, I offer more than just travel tales. I present curated itineraries, guides that capture the essence of each destination, and narratives that celebrate the softer, more intimate moments on the road with a dash of the dry humour you’d get from me in real life per-say.

Say goodbye to the overwhelming maze of online searches and let my ‘bullet stop’ itineraries guide you, especially tailored for those who with the spirit of a romantic wanderer.

While I strive for perfection, I cherish your insights and suggestions, for I believe that even in the tiniest corners, there’s always a new story waiting to be discovered.

Exciting projects are on the horizon so please be patient while my site is under a bit of a makeover!

Stay tuned for more escapades.

For collaborations, insights, or just a heart-to-heart, reach out to me at Nicolecopestake@gmail.com or slide into my DMs on Instagram at @nico_incognito.

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